Saturday, November 21, 2015

Fall Inspired craft by WildKittenLover

Leaf Pad 

Hey Guys! It's Wild Kitten Lover!
   Don't you just love fall? The trees in fall look beautiful! With all the orange, red, and green!!!!!<3 
So I decided to post something for fall!  It is called a Leaf Pad!!!!!!       The things  you will need are: a pair of  scissors, some pastels,  a white sheet of paper, and a  stapler.  So let's  get started!!!! First, take your scissors  and cut a leaf shape on your white sheet of paper.(Cut about 3 or 4  leafs from the paper for your pad)
After your done cutting your paper into leaves  get your pastels and start COLORING the front of your pad.( WARNING! do not color the inside) 
Next, take your stapler and staple the top of the leaf!!!! 
Have fun making it!!!!!                                                                                                                                                                                   ~ENJOY~

1 comment:

  1. I hope you guys like it!!!��������


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